
Showing posts from June, 2019

Senior Assembly - Term 2 Week 8

It was a pleasure to award the following students with class certificates in today's Senior Assembly. Looks like ice-cream all round tonight! Mahi for the time and effort you have put into your Dream Garden Mathematical Rich Task. You showed a clear understanding of all our learning intentions. Liba for the attention to detail you have showed when creating your 'Autumn Leaves' Kiwi Art work.

Buddy Class

Last week we went and saw our buddy class. This week our focus was on Reading. Room 32 had set out their goals for the lesson and what they wanted to achieve. What Room 21 really liked about this was they even had questions that we could ask them to support them with their reading and how to help them be a better reader.  It was a very rewarding lesson together.

Creative Writing - The Twelve Doors

This week for writing we are tapping into our imaginations.... We are imagining that we are standing in front of twelve doors. Behind one there is a fabulous treasure. Behind the others are eleven of the most dangerous things in the world. We are going to draw and describe what lies behind each one. We planned our ideas collaboratively and have begun drawing what lies behind each of our twelve doors. Then we will use adjectives, verbs, similes and metaphors to describe the objects. We are so engaged in this learning and listening to each others ideas has been really valuable to us developing our own.